Aladin is MaLa’s Amal’s first born Saluki since foundation of the kennel. He showed his personality since his first days… He was always a very relaxed puppy, stayed this as youngster and also as adult. Aladin is pure pleasure to live with, dear with people, kids, dogs and all animals. Never interested in any disharmony… we call him the „PeaceMaker“! He is not only very beautiful and handsome, he is a treasure inside and out. He has sired 2 litters so far, first litter in our own kennel with Jahora and second litter at Malik Alsayadin. He produces lovely and especially the personality of his puppies are amazing, as he is!
DAM: Aila Ziba Mashregh Baad Al Qom SIRE: Hyrkanya Aman el Jato Malavaia BREEDER: Marika Latsch OWNER: Marika Latsch CO-OWNER: Alfred Hahner
D-litter with us at „MaLa’s Amal“, Germany (7 puppies)
D-litter at „Malik Alsayadin“, Germany (4 puppies)
Multi BOB Winner Multi Title Winner Group Placements Top 3 Saluki in Germany in 2017
International Beauty Champion VDH German Champion DWZRV German Champion Croatian Conformation Champion Slovenian Conformation Champion Bosnian-Herzegovinian Confomation Champion Bosnia-Herzegovina Grand Champion Split Winner 2017
VDH German Junior Champion
DWZRV German Junior Champion
German Junior Winner 2016 VDH Junior Winner Leipzig 2016 Country Junior Winner SouthBavaria 2016 DWZRV AlpencupJuniorWinner 2016